We gladly welcome sponsorships of the NOWAMOM Kids Consignment Sale!
Sponsors are able to connect with local families to share information about their brand, while assisting our Non-profit support group for Moms of Multiples! Win-Win!
Sponsorship Levels:
($150) Platinum: Set up and staff a table on-site during pre-sale & public sale, Promo item in Swag Bags (300+), website & email advertising
($75) Gold: Promo item in Swag Bags (300+), website & email advertising
($50) Silver: Promo item in Swag Bags (300+)
See full descriptions here:Sponsorship-Options-Spring Summer-2020-NOWAMOM-Sale (1).docx
Northwest Atlanta Moms of Multiples is a 501(c) non-profit organization.