It is once again time for our annual Thanksgiving Feast! Get excited because this meeting is all about fun and FOOD! The club supplies the main entrée (turkey and ham) and the non-alcoholic drinks, and you supply the side dishes. You are welcome to bring your adult beverage of choice. Please visit our page on Sign Up Genius (link below) to choose the item(s) you wish to bring. Whatever your dish is, please make the serving size 12-16 people. This is an adult only event and spouses are welcome, so book your babysitters now! (Note: this event is held in the neighborhood clubhouse for Lee's Crossing) To celebrate the holiday, we are also having a “Favorite Things” gift exchange! If you would like to participate, please bring a gift to exchange that is something you love and want to share with other moms. It could be your favorite lipgloss, candle, hand cream, sweet treat…you get the idea! Your item should be new, wrapped, and valued around $10. We will also be giving away some exciting door prizes - so make sure you save the date on your calendar and plan to attend the NOWAMOM Thanksgiving Feast!
Northwest Atlanta Moms of Multiples is a 501(c) non-profit organization.